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Call Or Text 401-602-1277
You can also message us direct for a quote on Facebook by clicking here
For most accurate pricing please call our store to get a quote on any items you are looking to sell.
Call Or Text 401-602-1277
You can also message us direct for a quote on Facebook by clicking here
Sell My Digital Camera Or Camcorder
Sell My Apple Watch Or Smartwatch |
Sell My Designer Purse, Shoes, Or Accessories
Sell My Musical Instruments, Studio Equipment, Or Stereo Equipment |
Sell My Laptop Or Desktop
* Prices are subject to change without notice. We reserve the right to refuse a deal for any reason we see necessary. Prices shown on website are only a guide and may not be the current price offered at the time depending on the market. Please call for quote to make sure the price on website has been updated.